Visit the Challenge website.
The purpose of this facilitated discussion is to inform potential applicants about the nature of the policy issues the Challenge seeks to address and the process for administering the Challenge.
The facilitated discussion event will:
- Explain the entire Challenge process and timeline
- Foster an atmosphere of collaboration
- Focus potential applicants on developing creative yet actionable ideas that might actually be used by federal policymakers as part of a package of future Social Security reform efforts
- Provide all potential applicants with a workable understanding of the current Social Security system, including its history and evolution over time
This facilitated discussion is intended especially for interested applicants who do not have extensive experience with the Social Security programs. (This event is free and open to the public, so even if you don't think you want to apply, feel free to participate.)
Regardless of your level of expertise, if you intend to compete in the Challenge, participation in this facilitated discussion on March 5th is required.
Participants will include retirement policy experts from a variety of relevant academic disciplines and from policy development organizations, and advocates for low-income individuals and for older workers, people with disabilities, and workers in labor-intensive fields.
By attending this event, potential applicants will be able to increase their understanding of current Social Security policy – including retirement claiming ages, spousal and survivor benefits, disability benefits, and work rules.
9:00 am: Registration, Coffee and Networking
- Participants joining via livestream will have a moderated “table” to facilitate introductions and networking
9:30 am: Opening and Welcome Remarks by Challenge Organizers
9:45 am: Part I. The Challenge: Goals and Process
10:30 am: Part II. Understanding the Target Population
- Presentations by expert speakers
11:30 am: Break for Table Discussions and Networking
- Participants via livestream will have a moderated “table” to facilitate networking and discussion with other online participants
Noon: Social Security Basics
- Presentations by expert speakers
- Lunch available for in-person attendees
1:30 pm: Open discussion/Q&A
1:55 pm: Wrap-up
2:00 pm: Event concludes
601 E Street NW, Room A300
Washington, DC 20049
United States