For Immediate Release | January 13, 2009
WASHINGTON, DC— Forty-two individuals have been accepted into the National Academy of Social Insurance (NASI) this year, bringing the total membership to more than 800.
“This year’s pool of new members exemplifies what NASI stands for. They are experts whose work spans the full range of social insurance from Social Security to Medicare to Unemployment Insurance,” said NASI President Margaret Simms. “They are a diverse group of individuals working in government agencies, universities, labor, associations, and corporations, and represent a diverse constituency of backgrounds.”
Academy members are recognized experts in Social Security, Medicare, workers’ compensation, unemployment insurance, and related social assistance and private employee benefits. Those selected for membership have distinguished themselves by improving the quality of research, administration, or policymaking in these areas. Members of the Academy volunteer their time to work on study panels, committees, conferences, talk to the media, and participate in other Academy projects.
Prospective members are nominated by current members and reviewed by a membership committee and invited by the Academy’s Board of Directors. For more information on NASI membership, visit the “About the Academy” section of the NASI website (
The National Academy of Social Insurance is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization made up of the nation’s leading experts on social insurance. Its mission is to promote understanding and informed policymaking on social insurance and related programs through research, public education, training, and the open exchange of ideas.
New NASI Members (January 2009)
Alan Auerbach
University of California, Berkeley
Cynthia Bascetta
Government Accountability Office
Daniel Beland
Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Saskatchewan
Brian Boon
Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities
Craig Caplan
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Christopher Chaplain
Social Security Administration
Kerwin Charles
University of Chicago
Courtney Coile
Department of Economics, Wellesley College
Russell Davis
Summit Health Institute for Research and Education
John Dyer
Food and Drug Administration
Barry Eigen
Social Security Administration
Gary Engelhardt
Syracuse University
Ingrid Evans
National Association of State Work Force Agencies
Gerry Fairbrother
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Lynda Flowers
Lynn Friss Feinberg
Family Caregiver Alliance
Thomas Gustafson
Arnold & Porter LLP
Robert Guthrie
Curtin University of Technology
Alvin Headen
North Carolina State University
Peter Heller
SAIS, The John Hopkins University
G. William Hoagland
Kim Holland
Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oklahoma
Denise Holmes
Association of Academic Health Centers
Douglas Holmes
Douglas Holtz-Eakin
DHE Consulting, LLC
Ken Jacobs
University of California, Berkeley
Laurence Kotlikoff
Boston University
Joan Kuriansky
Wider Opportunities for Women
Thea Lee
Christine MacDonell
Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities
George A. (Sandy) Mackenzie
Anne Montgomery
U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging
Daniel O’Brien
Social Security Administration
Thomas Parrot
Social Security Administration
Joseph Piacentini
U.S. Department of Labor
Bruce Siegel
George Washington University Medical Center
Brian Smedley
The Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies
David Stoesz
Virginia Commonwealth University
Juliann Sum
University of California, Berkeley
Margaret Weir
University of California, Berkeley
Julie Whittaker
Congressional Research Service
Alvin Winters
Social Security Administration
See related news: News About NASI