January 30 – January 31, 1992

    NASI 4th Annual Conference

    Nothing less than the future of our society is at stake in the questions addressed at this conference: how to probide security for America’s children, and how to design public policies to improve the circumstances in which children grow up. Over 20 percent of children are poor, and 13 percent lack health insurance coverage. Expecially in the inner cities, many children are not receiving good health care, a decent education, and other vital social services.

    The National Academy of Social Insurance assembled two hundred experts in income security, health insurance, and the needs of children to discuss these problems. The proceedings of that conference reveal the high degree of informed consensus around the need to check the rate of casualties amond children. They also demonstrate that many of the policy tools needed to accomplish this objective are already available.


    Lisbeth B. Schorr
    Harvard University

    A book of published proceedings, Security for America’s Children, edited by Paul N. Van de Water and Lisbeth B. Schorr, is available.