National Academy of Social Insurance:
2025 Policy Summit
The Academy was delighted to bring back our annual Policy Summit! With 2025 ushering in a new Congress and Presidential Administration, we convened a packed agenda of policy-rich content focused on social insurance.
Scroll down for recordings of each panel.
“Polling Release: What Americans Want on Social Security”
- Matt Greenwald, Greenwald and Associates
- Joel Eskovitz, AARP
- Chantel Sheaks, U.S. Chamber of Commerce
- Tyler Bond, National Institute for Retirement Security
- Moderator: Rebecca Vallas
“Social Security at 90: Successes, Challenges and the Road Ahead”
- Kathleen Romig, The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
- Jason Fichtner, The Bipartisan Policy Center, Academy Board Member
- Wendell Primus, Brookings Institution
- Tracey Gronniger, Justice in Aging and Academy Board Member
- Joel Eskovitz, AARP
- Moderator: Rebecca Vallas
“Addressing the Long-term Care Crisis: Recent Innovations and the Path Ahead”
- Ben Veghte, Washington Cares
- Nicole Jorwic, Caring Across Generations
- Connie Garner, Garner Strategies
- Alison Barkoff, Milken Institute of Public Health
- Moderator: Helaine Olen, American Economic Liberties Project
Lightning talks, featuring:
- Pete Subkoviak, GiveDirectly
- Katie Savin, California State University, Sacramento
- Bradley Hardy, Georgetown University
- Jason Fichtner, Bipartisan Policy Center, Academy Board Member
- Aisha Nyandoro, Springboard to Opportunities
“Medicare and Medicaid at 60: Celebrating Progress, Preparing for What Comes Next”
- Tricia Neuman, Kaiser Family Foundation
- Amber Christ, Justice in Aging
- Stuart Butler, Convergence and Brookings Institution
- John Poulos, Autistic Self-Advocacy Network
- Moderator: Alan Weil, AARP Public Policy Institute
“AI and Benefits: When Tech Becomes Policy”
- Tim Shaw, Aspen Institute Financial Security Program
- Jack Smalligan, Urban Institute, and Co-Principal Investigator of the Academy Task Force on AI, Emerging Tech, and Disability Benefits
- Darren Webb, Mindset Care
- Julia Simon-Mishel, Philadelphia Legal Assistance
- Ariana Aboulafia, Center for Democracy and Technolog
- Moderator: Natalie Alms, GovExec
“Tax Policy and Social Insurance: Contextualizing the 2025 Tax Debate”
- Heidi Shierholz, Economic Policy Institute
- Josh McCabe, Niskanen Center
- Michael Graetz, Yale University
- Chad Bolt, former Senate staffer and tax policy consultant
- Moderator: Indivar Dutta-Gupta, Distinguished Visiting Fellow, National Academy of Social Insurance