Joanne Lynn, M.D.
Geriatrician, Hospice Physician, Health Services Research, and Policy Advocate
Event Speaker, Tying It All Together: Considering Long Term Care in an Era of Health Reform (June 25, 2013)
Joanne Lynn, M.D. is a geriatrician, hospice physician, health services researcher, quality improvement advisor, and policy advocate. She has focused her career on shaping American health care so that every person can count on living comfortably and meaningfully through the last years of life, the period of serious illness and disability, at a sustainable cost to the community. She is currently the Director of the Center on Elder Care and Advanced Illness for Altarum Institute.
Previously, Dr. Lynn was Chief of the Bureau on Chronic Disease and Cancer in the Washington, D.C. Department of Health. She has been a consultant to the Administrator and a Medical Officer at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, a faculty member of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, and a clinical expert in improvement for the Care Transitions project at the Colorado Foundation for Medical Care. Dr. Lynn was the Director of the Washington Home Center for Palliative Care, the President of Americans for Better Care of the Dying and Director of the Center to Improve Care of the Dying at George Washington University. She has also been a senior researcher at RAND and a professor of medicine and community health at Dartmouth Medical School and at The George Washington University.
“Joanne is nothing short of a visionary when it comes to ideas about how to reshape our health care system to better serve older people and those of us who hope to grow old,” said Lee Goldberg, Vice President for Health Policy at the National Academy of Social Insurance. “She is not afraid to put out new ideas that challenge our assumptions, even if she has to break a few dishes along the way.”
Her research on end-of-life and long-term care issues has been published in more than 250 articles and many books, including: The Handbook for Mortals, a guide for the public; The Common Sense Guide to Improving Palliative Care, an instruction manual for clinicians and managers seeking to improve quality; and Sick to Death and Not Going to Take it Any More!, an action guide for policymakers and advocates. She has also authored amicus briefs for key appellate court cases and has been often interviewed by reporters. A member of the National Academy of Social Insurance since 2008, Dr. Lynn is also a member of the Institute of Medicine, a Fellow of the American Geriatrics Society and The Hastings Center, and a Master of the American College of Physicians.
Dr. Lynn received her medical degree from Boston University, her Master’s in Philosophy and Social Policy from George Washington University and her Master’s in Evaluative Clinical Science from Dartmouth College. Her areas of expertise include Chronic Disease Management, Community Health, Managed Care and the Continuum of Care.
Event Speaker, Tying It All Together: Considering Long Term Care in an Era of Health Reform (June 25, 2013)
Joanne Lynn, M.D. is a geriatrician, hospice physician, health services researcher, quality improvement advisor, and policy advocate. She has focused her career on shaping American health care so that every person can count on living comfortably and meaningfully through the last years of life, the period of serious illness and disability, at a sustainable cost to the community. She is currently the Director of the Center on Elder Care and Advanced Illness for Altarum Institute.
Previously, Dr. Lynn was Chief of the Bureau on Chronic Disease and Cancer in the Washington, D.C. Department of Health. She has been a consultant to the Administrator and a Medical Officer at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, a faculty member of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, and a clinical expert in improvement for the Care Transitions project at the Colorado Foundation for Medical Care. Dr. Lynn was the Director of the Washington Home Center for Palliative Care, the President of Americans for Better Care of the Dying and Director of the Center to Improve Care of the Dying at George Washington University. She has also been a senior researcher at RAND and a professor of medicine and community health at Dartmouth Medical School and at The George Washington University.
“Joanne is nothing short of a visionary when it comes to ideas about how to reshape our health care system to better serve older people and those of us who hope to grow old,” said Lee Goldberg, Vice President for Health Policy at the National Academy of Social Insurance. “She is not afraid to put out new ideas that challenge our assumptions, even if she has to break a few dishes along the way.”
Her research on end-of-life and long-term care issues has been published in more than 250 articles and many books, including: The Handbook for Mortals, a guide for the public; The Common Sense Guide to Improving Palliative Care, an instruction manual for clinicians and managers seeking to improve quality; and Sick to Death and Not Going to Take it Any More!, an action guide for policymakers and advocates. She has also authored amicus briefs for key appellate court cases and has been often interviewed by reporters. A member of the National Academy of Social Insurance since 2008, Dr. Lynn is also a member of the Institute of Medicine, a Fellow of the American Geriatrics Society and The Hastings Center, and a Master of the American College of Physicians.
Dr. Lynn received her medical degree from Boston University, her Master’s in Philosophy and Social Policy from George Washington University and her Master’s in Evaluative Clinical Science from Dartmouth College. Her areas of expertise include Chronic Disease Management, Community Health, Managed Care and the Continuum of Care.