
Published: January, 2009

January 30, 2009

PowerPoint presentations made during Session V, “How Will We Pay for the Public Programs We Want?” at NASI’s 21st Annual Conference, Social Insurance, Fiscal Responsibility, and Economic Growth.

  • Moderator: Robert Greenstein, Founder and Director, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
  • No Free Lunch – The Case for a Value Added Tax: Michael Graetz, Justus S. Hotchkiss Professor of Law, Yale Law School
  • Progressive Tax Reform in the Era of Globalization: Jason Bordoff, Policy Director, The Hamilton Project, The Brookings Institution
  • A Promise to Keep – Towards Intergenerational Equity: Alexander Hertel-Fernandez, Health Policy and Retirement Security Research Assistant, Economic Policy Institute
  • Budgeting for Future Entitlements: Alice Rivilin, Henry Cohen Professor at the Milano Graduate School of Management and Urban Policy, New School University and Senior Fellow in Economic Studies, The Brookings Institution

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